Thursday, January 21, 2010


The details to this story, although hard to believe, are all true..

So this is Ryan doing a victory dance after getting a yahtzee right.. Well not only did he get a yahtzee but he got it in one roll!! I was in shock! Notice though how he got a buzzlightyear yahtzee..look below and you will see that he got a second yahtzee but again not only did he get a yahtzee but in one roll! I promise you that he got two yahtzees in one roll!! I don't think in all my life I have seen a person roll a yahtzee in one roll. So you can amagine the look on my face when Ryan rolled two in one roll.. WOW is all I can say! Its offical he is amazing!!


Beach Borchardts said...

Take him to vegas while he's still hot!! That's insane!! It's the luck of the Irish I guess! lucky boy!!!

The Fredericks said...

he is amazing! remind me not to play with him ever :)