Monday, December 5, 2011

christmas decor..

putting up the christmas tree and all the decorations is suppose to be this fun thing..right...well not at our house :) at first it started out fun then it turned into a crazy mess and more work for me.. The boys loved it though so i guess that is all that counts!!
This was the final outcome of our tree..sorry the picture was really blurry so i tried to fix it but you get the idea...
This was my house after we got all the decor up... a mess!
and ryan thought that we needed to put up a couple extra socks (as titan would call them) just in case :)
here are my cute boys helping me!!

They made all of it worth it!!
Love you guys!!


Beach Borchardts said...

It always has to get worse before it gets turned out great though!!!

The Fredericks said...

gorgeous- and the cutest Christmas helpers ever.