Wow! What a babe... There are not many women out there that can be that cute while in labor ; ) Stari was unreal!

Ryan and I were definitely the most stressed; however, the suckers and milkshakes seemed to soothe our nerves... = )

Can you believe how big Ryan has gotten?! Wow... It is amazing how big he looks next to Titan.

Stari had her goals and was ready to rock and roll...

A special thanks to everyone that came and supported Stari and our family! It would not have been the same without everyone that was there... you guys are great!

Either Stari is a tough cookie or I am getting weak in my old age... I think it is a combination of both, although more that Stari is a tough cookie (lets be honest) Rick you're the man! Thanks for making that happen!

7 pounds 11 ounces!!! What a blessing... This guys is a stud... Between his weight and the thick patches of black hair on his back we had to go with Titan Tyler as opposed to Tyler Titan... He was born at about 8:50pm. I went and checked my email a few minutes ago when we got home and I had an email from my Mom that she sent at 8:45pm asking how things were going. My family is out of the country on vacation and did not have access to a phone... Talk about a mother's intuition! She must have sensed Stari's energy in the last few pushes... nice work mom; you never cease to amaze me ; )

We looked at Ryan's baby pictures and I promise they are identical!

What a stud!

I tell you what... there is nothing in this world that brings more joy then sons... The emotions intensified this time I think because I now know how incredible it is to have Ryan and the thought of having another little guy causes an overwhelming feeling of gratitude.

Giving kisses! Ryan is such a sweetheart. He was so kind and gentle with Titan I couldn't believe it.

Yes, Liz... he has your dimple = ) Is it possible that this little seven pounder will be as cute as Ryan in two years?

"I'm a big brother"... Ryan was holding Titan's hands and said, "I have HUUUGE hands"...


We weren't the only ones that were tired....

On our way home, Ryan was talking about how he was going to show Titan his toys... We made it home and Titan is doing very well. Stari is out jogging around the block. Not to toot her horn, but I have to say that Stari made it happen. The intensity in the room was like no other. This is now the 2nd time that Stari has gone with NO pain killers of any kind... Due to the pains I experienced last delivery I popped 4-5 ibuprofens before entering the room ; ) needless to say Stari is one of a kind. Dr. Chalmers did an amazing job as well. He said that once Stari had some pitocin that the baby would be out within two hours... He was within 15 minutes. The real trophy still goes to Stari... she is an incredible woman and I know that Ryan, Titan and I are so lucky to have her in our lives! I love her and am so proud of her and proud to be her husband...
*now you know why Stari manages our blog and not me ; )
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so thrilled and especially happy to hear everyone is doing well! Wish we were there to give hugs and kisses but we are sending them via cyberspace! Love you all!!!!
How fun that we were around the computer at that moment! too cool!
He is Beautiful! Thank you so much for the post- I have been dying! Titan is a STUD and Ryan is going to be the Best big brother in the world- I love you 4 and am so happy for you! xoxo Emmy is delighted about her new cousin and Jason is a little angry that he can't hold Titan before me! ;)
oh, Stari looks soooooo fabulous! Ryan does look huge and like a big brother!!! How is that possible? Time flies huh??
Love you all!!!!!!
You are the WOMAN STar! And I have to admit that you have an amazing hubby for posting all that incredibly nice and soooo TRUE stuff about you! He is adorable!
Congrats guys! Stari you are amazing and your little guys are adorable. Nice job! Good luck with having two you will have to give me tips... I will need them
Comgratulations!!! Babies are so amazing I'm so excited for you guys!! Danny, you're right, sons are amazing:) Give all my props to Stari! I can't believe people who go with no meds, that's just amazing to me. She IS strong woman. Well, just wanted to add my congrats to the list! You have an awesome family:)
I just got an email from your mom about the big news!!(and a link to your blog) CONGRATULATIONS... what a handsome little boy! You guys makes cute little babies. I love his name too.
Congrats you two! Stari you're amazing! Your new little guy is so adorable, I'm so excited for you!
Oh my your new little guy is so adorable! I can't believe that you went natural!! I need some tips! I want to go natural with my next baby but I'm not sure that I can do it! Help! ha!
Stari.... You are amazing
When I think of Titan I will always know this little man was named after his Mother.
Great job.
Dan great post,
Super wife,
Fantastic Sons,
Proud Grandparents, Uncles, and Aunts....
Congrats!! He's beautiful! Oh and by the way...not to say that boys aren't wonderful but I really hope you and Stari have a girl someday!! All that stuff you said about boys, just wait until a little daughter enters your world!!
I just cannot get over how great you guys are and how impressive Stari is in these photos...
Amazing what an honor to be able to brag to all my friends and associates about my great Children and Grand children....
stari this is so cute! I love how your hubby updated for you while you were busy haha..i need your email address so i can add you to our blog.. send it to me k? mine is nkey23@hotmail.com
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