This morning Ryan wasn't feeling very good. He just wanted to lay down all morning. When I went to change his diaper there was a rash all over his legs then I lifted up his shirt and the rash was all over his chest and belly. I got nervous and called the doctor and the doctor said "No more monkeys jumpin on the bed." I 've heard it a hundred times. jk The doctor told us that it is a virus. He said that it is nothing to

I just ran into your blog, it is so cute! I can't believe how big your little boy is! Are you done with hair school yet?
SOrry about Ryan. I could tell tonight at Sadie's game that he didn't feel good. Oh and about your table... No Way! I love love love your table. It is so nice! Only Dan gets a deal even at furniture row where they don't just take random offers! ha ha! That is so cute and I am glad you finally got a table... so when are we invited over for dinner?
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