
Jaka ladny rodziny... ;) Jestescie niesamowity! Dziekujemy
jeszcze raz za wszystko!

Ryan had a blast with Antosz! Antosz brought Ryan some toys
that he still is playing with and loves...

We had Cafe Rio and Nielsen's frozen yogurt... Two places that
you can't find in NYC and that Beata likes. Ricky and Stacia came
over as well.... We had a blast speaking Polish and spending time together.
We looked through my mission binders at all the pictures from Poland (thanks Mom).
They brought some fun toys for Ryan and Titan, some delicious Polish chocolates for Stari
and a cook book for me. On top of it real homemade Polish sausage, honestly the best treat ever! They are polish and so they brought us tons of polish food and Dans favorite a polish cook book! It was a fun night and we were so glad that they took some time to see us when they came down. They have to be some of the nicest people I have ever met!